About Me

Hi, I’m Sabrina

I am a creative. An adventurer. A storyteller.

I notice the little things. I document them. I don’t believe in faking it. And I definitely don’t believe in “making it”. I believe in being who you were meant to be. I believe in showing up and participating. I believe in going the extra mile. I guess that makes me a people person? Here’s a little bit about my story so you can relax and get to know me before we tell your story.

My creative journey never began with a camera. It started with a pencil – many pencils and pen and paper. My sister and I grew up scetching and drawing that led to art shows and commissioned artwork. We grew up on an acreage so we had lots freedom to be creative. To this day I still have the collection of short stories we would write all summer long!

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Telling your Story

Thank you for inviting me to document your story!

I believe in celebrating the little moments that go unnoticed as well as the big occasions that define your life. I know from personal experience that being a mom behind the camera often leaves me out of the frame. That’s why I appreciate those times we have a photographer to capture our family together in its entirety.

It is often a luxury to be able to pay a photographer to come in and tell your everyday story, I get that. Can I ask you one thing? If you made a list of some of the most important things in life to you, what would it look like? Would it have “family” on it? Would it have “my lover” on it? What about “my dog’? (yes, yes, cat too haha). Well I hate to be the barer of bad news, but memories fade. Words get forgotten. And worst of all, people die. But the one thing that doesn’t seem to die are feelings. And that’s what you create when making a memory.

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Sarena + Alex

Forever 22 photography is just lovely. She has such a sweet, kind spirit about her. You will not be disappointed! She pays attention to all the little details and made my husband and I feel at ease. I happy cried when I first saw the photos she had done. I would highly recommend her!!!!

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